Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days of Beautiful..

Hey lovelies!  So, today I found this pretty cool linkup for blogging everyday in October.. Obviously I'm already a day late because I just saw that some of my blog friends are joining and thought it could be a fun/challenging experience and new ways to make some friends. 

So my this Month topic is going to be all about beauty!

And the true meaning of it and what beauty really is!

Because often times I really feel like the world doesn't have a clue on beauty.

And I believe God's idea of beauty needs to be revealed.

                                                   Will you join me?


Cassidy Robinson said...

I'm so glad you're joining in the challenge! And this topic is so so needed. I'm excited to read along! :)

Courtney B said...

Oooh I haven't seen this! Definitely checking it out.
I love what you said about God's idea of beauty needing to be revealed... I totally agree!

Unknown said...

sounds like a great idea, look forward to reading your posts.

