Friday, November 29, 2013
A new beginning..
Hello Loves.
I've written before about how God has been doing things in my life and talking with me about my blog.. And I told you change was coming and it is!
I'm usually a huge fan of change but this change is a bit bittersweet for me but I know God wants me to do this for my good and the good of all those can take from it.
This change is pretty big for me. And this is why..
I will be leaving A different kind of Woman and starting a new writing place here.
This whole Month God has been leading me to do this. To start new, from scratch and to start a new beginning.
The Lord has really been guiding me and changing my direction as a blogger.. At first I was a little upset because I've put so much into this little blog of mine for years even before people even read it.. I have gained close friends and met amazing people through this blog and I'm certainly gonna miss writing on it but God has really been putting on my heart that doors will open so bigger things can happen and He can't move and do big things if I don't step out and let Him.. He has already told me that big things are coming for this blog He has led me to write on..
Why do I have to move for big things to happen?
Because if I did what I always did, I'll get what I always got! I need a new platform a fresh start an empty place so it can be filled with whatever God lays on my heart.. Sometimes in life you just have to start over and I've had to do that so many times friends.. And God has told me many times that starting over is a good thing..
I'm gonna be honest here that the only thing I hesitated about when it came to moving was you guys.. I honestly don't want to lose you guys!! Because I love each and every one of you and I really try to make it a priority to pray for you every morning! Which makes me love you even more. I really hope you follow me on this new journey..
So there you have it! My big change/surprise. I hope to see ya'll on the other side. Love ya!!
Xoxo -Heather.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Happy Birthday to my sweet girl.
It's honestly so hard for me to believe right now that I'm posting my
daughters one year photo! It's so un real and yet such a joyful moment..
It's the biggest milestone of her life and my life as a mama. We
honestly couldn't thank Jesus more for the wonderful gift He has given
Leon and I. Happy Birthday Precious girl! Daddy and Mama love you so
much we can't even describe it in words! You have completed our family
for the better and we are so glad God gave us you to raise, to look
after and to love.
At 12 Months Evelynne is:
Walking like nobody's business! She also figured out how to walk backwards the other day. It was so cute.
Saying Dada, Up, and Dog.
Imitating us and is trying to do and say what we're doing and saying.
Very interested in stairs and cabinets.
cuddling a lot more! yay!!
Evelynne is loving:
Mr. Giraffe.
Graham crackers.
Bananas and all kinds of fruit.
Her veggie smoothie
Her rocking horse
Being outside.
Getting out of the stroller and walking on her own.
When dada comes home.
Being read and sung too.
Darlene Zschech.
Being chased around the house.
Evelynne doesn't like:
Being told "no"
Veggies. (Which is why I've been giving her veggie joice)
Nap time.
is so good with Evelynne now.. I absolutely love watching them play
together. Parenting didn't come naturally to Leon at first but I'd say
he's a pro now.. He still refuses to change diapers but I don't mind lol
As long as He changes them when I'm not home which he agreed to do!
doing great! Still in a bit of unbelief that Evelynne is one. But it's
really a great thing. Watching Evelynne grow up and change is so
exciting for me to see.
What I'm looking forward too:
Evelynne saying "mama" and just more words in general.
Her Birthday Party in December.
And Her very first Thanksgiving.
Weight: I wanna say around 20lbs. She has a Doctors appointment in the next couple of weeks.
Monday, November 18, 2013
365 days of Evelynne part 2

P.S So sorry I have been so distant lately!! God has been speaking to me a lot lately concerning this blog that involves some huge and major changes in my life as a blogger.. I'll explain some more soon. Real soon. Just bare with me won't you? Love you all!
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