Thursday, March 8, 2012

I love you.

There is so many things I want to say and do, to demonstrate my love for you!
Is there actually one word that has all my thoughts in one? No one could find none.
For you are a rare man indeed, and the second my eyes we're upon you I could see, that this is a man of God, and he has nothing to hide. So gentle,humble,kind and true.
No man on this earth Mr. Riley could compare to you. Listen to these words sir, for they are very true. Jesus is the only One that I love more than you. Take you're time to get to know me beloved, and much more after that. I have so many things to show you my love, so take thy hand in mine and I will show you the way. I keep trying to find the words. There is just so much I want to say. "I love you sweetheart" There is no other way.

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