Friday, April 5, 2013

The Newly wed game [Link Up]

1.  What are three things you love about your spouse?
Smile, Personality, body 
His passion for Jesus, His goofiness,  and the fact that he's so random!
2.  What are two things you love about your relationship with your spouse?
She takes care of me and it's always an open relationship.
The fact that we're open. We're willing to talk about anything! And that we are best friends keeping God first in our relationship. :) 
3.  What is your favorite tv show to watch with your spouse?
At the moment "Prison break" 
 "Prison Break" and soon to be taking on "Once upon a time"
4.  When did your spouse know, you were the one?
Bible Study 
Definitely Bible study! There's no going back there! 
5.  What is your favorite dating memory with your spouse?
Our Honeymoon in Ocean city. oooh yea!!
 Ahh there's so many! I'd have to say our very first date. <3
6.  What is your spouse's go to saying when he/she gets frustrated?
7.  What is something your spouse loves to hear you say?
"I love you" 
 I made you cookies!!
8.  Wedding vows: Who chose them or wrote them and what was your favorite part of them?
"Til death do us part" 
 We did the traditional wedding vows because we loved it so much! Maybe if we ever renew our vows we'll write our own. But I have to say my favorite part is when We talk about how we'll stand by and take care of each other no matter what until death! For better and for worse.

9.  What is something you convinced your spouse to change after you got married?
(Think like, a habit or choice of products, etc)
 Making sure the door is unlocked when I get home. 
 To stop eating at McDonald's!! He still goes sometimes but not nearly as much.
 10.  What does your spouse have going to the championships on his/her basketball bracket and why?
  To be honest we actually had no idea what this question meant until we heard answers from others haha! We don't really do sports other than play them. We would go to a game but to watch it on TV. We'd rather be making out ;)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Family day at the Police academy.

I finally got to see where my beloved husband went to work, I finally received  faces with names. (Even though, I would need to see them again to officially get it right!) I got to meet all of Leon's buddies and his Sargent's   and I must say Evelynne was quite spoiled by all these fellow police officers and police trainees. I can just foresee the future as they spoil her as she grows up. And when she actually starts dating.. Oooh goodness! They all better know she's the daughter of a cop! I praise God though, that the man Evie is supposed to be with will be honored to have a police officer for a father in law. I know I'm proud to have him as a husband.
The really cool Police Helicopter!
What my husband has to climb.
I love Father daughter bonding!
She's ready to explore!
My little love!
Police truck
Leon and his older sister Ashley. They could easily be twins I think!
My Mother inlaw Momma Riley, Big love, and Sister inlaw Ash
They added Little love
These are some huge horses!!

                        three things Thursday
Time once again for the 2nd week of "Three Things Thursday" Hosted by Myranda and Kristyn!
Come join in all the fun!!

Three Things You Should NEVER Do on a First Date
1.  Texting during a conversation..  Ladies your girlfriends can wait to find out how the date went after you get home. I think during a date it's really important you take the time to get to know each other without the distractions of ten other different conversations on the phone..

2. Talking to impress. Don't answer his/her questions the way you think they want you to answer them. Answer them honestly! This could be the start of a committed relationship. Don't lay a foundation of dishonesty here. 
3. Getting too comfortable. I think Manners is really important on a first date. I'm sure many agree with me! I remember one of the main things that I loved about Leon on our first date was his manners. He opened every door, gave the waiter his tip even before he waited on us, and paid for everything!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Loved . By:Heather Riley
A crown of thorns pierced in your beautiful head.
So many have said they wanted You dead.
I really don't see how You loved me enough to take my place.
You were beaten and tortured as blood poured down Your face.
I was just a servant, a slave.
Until You did something more brave.
You took my sin, my shame, my place.
And then kissed my head as You said "It's erased".
I was a thief, a liar who deserved no mercy.
But You Jesus, died for me. Choosing to make me worthy.
You were pushed, beaten, and shoved.
You did all this so that my sins would be covered with love.
And because of You I'm no longer what I used to be.
I am now a daughter of God that has been set free!

Monday, April 1, 2013

over Coffee.

If I were having coffee with you on this beautiful Spring 60 degrees day. I would tell you just how special coffee shops are to me. Coffee shops (Panera Bread specifically) is where I usually go for my Jesus dates.

I really believe that if Jesus were here walking on the Earth we would have many dates like this..  Him and I "fellowshipping"  over a latte and just talking as He lavishes  His wisdom and love upon  me.. how awesome would that be!?  I'm just so blessed and glad that even though Jesus isn't here in person He's here in Spirit and we can still "fellowship" in coffee shops as I read His word and talk with Him.
I'm so glad that Jesus is my #1 coffee partner.. He never turns me down but meets me there. We are actually told to have "Fellowship" with Jesus! <3

"God is faithful, by whom you were called into the "Fellowship" of His Son, Jesus Christ our 
Lord.    1 Corinthians 1:9

This verse actually stood out to me on one of my coffee dates with Jesus.. I think it's awesome how a Bible verse could just be a Bible verse one day and than another day something in that same verse totally stands out to you and instantly your day is made!

This is what that verse did to me when I read it.. I don't know how many times I've read that verse before but at the moment it feels like the first..... It's like Jesus was telling me "We're meant to have fellowship together." Him and I are meant to have coffee dates!
If I were having coffee with you, I would deeply  encourage you to have a coffee date with Jesus. Or if there's something you like doing like a hobby maybe. Try including Jesus on your daily thing. Incredible things happen when you just take the time to Fellowship with Him. He'll show you things that you can't even dare to imagine! He's definitely my very best Coffee buddy!

Be Blessed Friends!