I am so excited today to be answering this question.. I feel as though this question will be a great help to all mama's who are still carrying their precious babies! Like my dear friend
Sarah who won't be carrying her precious daughter in the inside for much longer but instead will be holding her in her arms! :) So excited for you girl!! <3 This will also most likely be our last link up for a little while due to my sweet friend delivering her Sweetpea any day now!!!!
Okay.. This is cray cray! When Sarah & I were talking about our questions for this week we both thought of the same question and that is "What are five pieces of advice for birth/labor? Twins separated at birth maybe?? :) I've always wanted a twin hehe! Anyways...
five pieces of advice for birth/labor:
Be prepared. I highly recommend for you to do your research! Read books, blogs, whatever you can get! Luckily for me my friend
Heather Was a few months ahead in her pregnancy so all I had to do pretty much was follow her blog posts and I some how always found out what I needed to know
like what to pack in your bag.
Don't get stressed out if when things don't go your way. It's true! One thing about pregnancy/motherhood is that everything is unpredictable. You never know what's gonna happen.. I certainly wasn't expecting to be almost 3 weeks late, being induced or even having Evelynne in a hospital. But what I do know is that everything that happened worked out for the good! It was actually a good thing I was at the hospital because I ripped
REALLY bad so I would of had to go to the hospital anyways lol. God is awesome!
Epidurals. Should or shouldn't you?
The choice is totally up to you. Don't feel bad or even think you are a bad mom for taking it. That would be a lie from the liar darling. I personally don't see the epidural as a "right" or "wrong" decision. It's just a decision that's totally up to you. :)
Rest as much as possible. As hard as it may be. Because when the time comes to push that's when it really gets physically draining.
Let the husband.
Let the husband do everything for you. Whatever you need or want to be done. Make sure he doesn't feel helpless in this situation. And when it's all over and the baby is born and in your arms. Let him go home and get some sleep because lets face it those hospital chairs aren't comfy king sized beds.
Do you have any advice on Labor/delivery you'd like to share? If you're pregnant you are still more than welcome to link up with us with any research you find helpful :) We'd love to hear from you! Much love!!!