Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pinterest Love!

Everyone has their own reasons for loving pinterest.  I love it because I get to see  all the great baby photo ideas! And so many more reasons of course! I mean, you can honestly find anything on that addicting website!  It really inspires me and gives me ideas of my own! I guess you can say it brings out the creativity in me. I am so looking forward to taking pictures of our little girl!

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My God is faithful!

How awesome is it to know that The Lord is always faithful! I'm doing a study this week on God's faithfulness and I have been very blessed by it! And I'm still trying to wrap it around this head of mine.
There was a time in my life when I thought I had to watch every move I made, and every word I said. Because I didn't understand the undying love and never ending faithfulness God has given me. But God has shown me that it's not by my own works and doings that keep Him faithful. It's His love. I know now that there is nothing that can keep me from the love and faithfulness of Christ!

15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15

 O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you.
  Psalm 89:8
Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.
 Psalm 36:5

 Lamentations 3:22-23
  Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassion's never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 

 What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness?  Not at all!
 Romans 3:3-4

I've had a goal to read Psalms every morning. And it has just blessed me so much because through the book of Psalms God has revealed Himself to me so much in the last week about His faithfulness, love, kindness, compassion and the list goes on and on! He never leaves and never forsakes His children and I am just so blessed and joyous that The Lord is my life, my Everything! He is faithful to me forever. And not one day will come to pass when He shall forsake me.

Where are you seeing God's faithfulness in your own life?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lord, You are all I need.

Oh, Jesus Lord. Your mercy is constant.
Your love is unconditional.
Changing my life as each day goes by, If I didn't have you in my life I would surely die.
Some misunderstand You, but they don't know You like I do. I am deeply in love with You!
In You I have become new.  And I trust You Lord, every word that You say is true.
You give me every desire of my heart oh, Lord. There is nothing You hold back from me.
Why did it take so long for me to see, that You are the only one I need.
In me you have planted a seed. I was dead but You have risen me.
I was blind but in You now I see.
Lost but now I'm found. Captivated by Your sweet heavenly sound.

Monday, June 25, 2012

My little girl!

 Oh my goodness I finally felt my precious daughter inside of me kick!!  It was such a wonderful experience. I praise God each day for such a wonderful blessing! I knew she was an active little girl but I couldn't feel her and now that I finally did I'm joyful! I can't wait to meet this little person. I'm just so excited to be a mother! It has always been a desire of my heart. And I am super ecstatic that we are having a precious little girl! My heart just jumped for joy when the Doctor told Leon and I to go pick out a dress because it's a girl!  And watching series like "Little house on the prairie"  and BBC series with mothers brushing their daughters hair and bringing them up to be young ladies brings me joy to know that I am going to be having a little girl! A little BFF. That one day, we will get to talk about boys, friendships, marriage, babies, makeup, clothes, and all of life's lessons. Watching her each day grow more and more in love with Jesus and one day watching Leon give her away to the man God has for her excites me!

Evelynne's update!
How along: 5 months! Half way there people =)
sleep: On and off. I found out putting a pillow on top of me works real nice since I can no longer lay on my tummy.
Maternity clothes: Pre pregger clothes are too tight and to be honest I have not yet found maternity clothes I like that fit.. I'm praying that I can find some pregger pants that don't look like something that can turn into a hot air balloon!! I think it's safe to say I will be wearing dresses for the rest of the year.  No prob for me considering I love dresses =) I just bought the the one I'm wearing above at target! I just get them a size or two up and they're perfect!
Cravings: Sigh.. I'm going through this thing called weekly cravings! Today it's salad with ranch.
Next Doc appointment: July 3rd. I find it so funny that my spiritual sis Krista and I have our doc appointment on the same day and same time!
Movement: I felt her kick! It was wonderful!
Gender: GIRL!!!!! So happy =)
Best moment of the week: Feeling my baby girl kick me. It's such an amazing feeling!
What I'm looking forward to:Stronger kicks
What I miss: A nice glass of red wine. 

I hope all you ladies are having a Jesus filled day! Happy Monday and be blessed =)