"Who are they to tell you that you are ugly when God has already spoken that you are beautiful? -Heather leigh
Happy Wednesday lovelies, Today I want to talk with you about something that has burdened my heart.
When you ladies get up in the morning and look in the mirror do you ever feel instant insecurity about your appearance?
Or when you look at the cover of a magazine about the sexiest women alive or something like that? Do you feel not as pretty?
Do you know where those lies are coming from? The enemy. The king of lies.
You see, those are lies I heard so much during my teenage years. So much that I started to believe them and claimed them as my own.
I thought I was ugly, I thought I was fat and I thought I was stupid..
All this because of a little lie.... A little lie that I let have a bigger impact on my teenage life then it should have.
I'm honestly not sure if I actually had a minor eating disorder or not.. But regardless, the mindset I had wasn't healthy. There were days where I skipped meals, went a day without eating and took weight loss pills.. Healthy right?? Nope..
I was such a people pleaser and so focused on fitting into smaller jeans I was desperate..
I actually still have to remind myself to eat to this day. Not for the sake of loosing weight but I'm just not a huge eater.. One thing I have learned though about focusing too much on outer appearances though is that whether you are overweight, curvy or on the thin side people will always have a negative side. Kinda just like pregnancy.
"You're too skinny to be 30 weeks pregnant" "Are you eating enough" "You need to like go home and eat now!"
When I was in my early stages of pregnancy I was really sick. I couldn't hold nothing down as much as I tried. Not even water. And ended loosing 20 pounds from the whole experience. And because of my long torso it made me look even skinnier.. Though people may have meant for those comments to be considered as compliments it was hard for me not to take them as a slap in the face.. Especially when this one lady asked me if I was eating enough. I was so upset about that due to my earlier years..
Continuing in my pregnancy it was very rare when I got a "You look great!" (Which is a comment I'd prefer. and it makes the comment a lot less awkward!
After I gave birth to my darling baby girl.. I was able to get back into my pre pregnancy clothes within a few weeks and then they ended up being too big for me. I guess with the weight I already lost from morning sickness and the weight loss from constant nursing made me underweight. Leaving me a little insecure once again.. And the comments I received seriously made me feel worse..
"You're so skinny." Where did your butt go?" "Man, I'm so jealous"? "You don't even look like you had a baby!" "Girl, you lost your curves, you looked so much better with curves."
How do you respond to those kinda comments? To me it makes the conversation totally awkward. "Thanks?" I feel like if I were to say thanks it would make me sound vain or if I were to say nothing at all I feel like I'd be rude..
I'm telling you these things not because I'm complaining about my physical body. Because I finally love my physical body. Do you know why? Because it's no longer my focus.
I have realized that body type is such an obsession these days where being skinny is dangerously desired and to some who aren't skinny either don't think their pretty or they believe their prettier than thinner women..
I read this quote the other day that I didn't take fancy of at all..
"Real women aren't a size 4 ladies, Real women have curves".
I know and understand that this quote is meant for the media's models and all but seriously? Do we have to go as far as calling them fake women? The only thing fake about them is their body on the magazine what was Photoshopped... And you know some girl's can't help the fact that they are size 0's 4's 6's 24's Some women can't help their size due to circumstances or it's just the way they were created. Beautifully.
Darlings.. Whether you are overweight, underweight, curvy or thin. I just want to tell you that you are beautiful. Maybe the media would disagree because of the zit on your face or the stretch marks, or the freckles but you know what. Who cares what they think? My question to you is "Who are they to tell you that you are ugly when God has already spoken that you are beautiful? After all, He created you perfectly and completed you with His Son Jesus who defines your beauty.
So sisters, let today be the last day that we agree with the lie that was told.. The lie that told us we are not worthy, that we are ugly, that we are fat, that we are skinny. But instead let us believe the truth that will set us free. We are beautiful! Not because of who we are but who Our Beloved Jesus is in us..
Lets stop with these worldly desires to lose or gain weight just to fit in with the media's Photoshopped beauty. And desire only to be healthy. The way it's meant to be!
And please... Can we stop identifying and labeling people as skinny or curvy.. A "You're beautiful" would be perfect and even more perfect is "Your heart is beautiful!"
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
-Proverbs 31:30
Love you, beauties!! XOXO -Heather