Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A lesson learned...

Okay, I have a confession to make that I have been convicted of.  You see throughout my pregnancy I would often day dream about Leon being the perfect dad. I would imagine and create an image of him being an all understanding, always patient, and an all loving dad that had Evelynne wrapped around his finger. And the sad thing is I expected this from someone who has never even held an infant for longer than two minutes!

I had to seriously repent over this because I expected Leon to be what only God could be to our precious daughter. A Perfect Daddy. 

God revealed this to me one tiring morning of only three hours of sleep pretty much. As I opened my Mothers devotional "A mom after God's own heart" By Elisabeth George. When I came across the chapter "No one's perfect" That word right there convicted me itself.  This chapter renewed my mind once again when she talked about perfection. 

"When God looks at your life- He doesn't look for perfection."  -Elizabeth George.

We all know that there is no perfect man on this earth. Not one! Romans 3:10 So, why was I pushing on Leon to be a better and more involved dad? I guess  maybe my past might have something to do with it. I've always wanted my dad to be more involved in my life. It seemed the more I got older the less he was there. And it brought much insecurity to my life. I guess I just didn't want Evelynne to experience that kind of loneliness.  But I know without a doubt that if Leon and I continue to teach our children to seek God's love before ours, to pursue God before us, to love God before us, and to receive from God before us. Than without a doubt she wont feel that loneliness. Leon and I are not perfect parents. And we admit we never will be. And I will never expect Leon to be again.

I've realized that apart of being a good mom is being a good helper to my daughters dad as well. To encourage him as he serves his  role as  spiritual head in our marriage and family. =)

Now that I no longer look for perfection in my husband as a dad. I see how good with her he really is. And quite adorable actually. <3

My favorite Daddy quotes so far that Leon has made:

"Why doesn't she just be quiet when I tell her too!"

"When do you think she'll start to act more human?"

"I can't wait until the crying stops! That will be soon right?"  (Mom's should I just tell him now?)

And my personal favorite!

"It's okay sweet Evelynne, Daddy's here!"


Anonymous said...

How old is he like early 20's or something? That's pretty young nowadays to raise a family. I know some couples that get married young but the husband is a few years older than the wife, in some cases that makes it easier.

At that age you're kind of still a kid youself! Now he has a family to take care of. I can't imagine that kind of responsibility so young and the transition from only really having to look after number one to having a family in a short time. So it isn't easy.

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

He'll be 22 in Feb. We are both very young parents but honestly it's something we both wanted.=) He's also starting a new career which also can't be easy on him. That's why it's so very important I support him in all things ;)

Heather said...

Heather, Just throwing in my two cents here after reading what anonymous wrote. I personally think it's great that you are committing to each other so young and to raising a family. I think that a huge problem with our society is this idea of "run around and be young and experiment with lots of people before settling down." Young people are encouraged to go out and find out who you are and make your own life before committing to someone else.
I think this is actually harming families because no one knows how to commit and everyone looks out for themselves and what they get out of a relationship. I wish more people would take relationships seriously enough that they would find someone and commit to them when they are younger, instead of fooling around with relationships. I found the person I was going to marry when I was 18. My first boyfriend. Even though family encouraged me to "go out and have fun with other people", I had no desire to do that. I always wanted to have a stable, solid relationship and I was committed to it as soon as I found the one worth keeping.
I think, as long as people are responsible and do what needs to be done to support their family, they should start young with building a life together. Instead of trying to make a life for themselves and then trying to mesh it later with someone else who has been living for themselves.
Anyway, for what it's worth, I think you guys are setting yourselves up for a more successful marriage and family by committing now and working towards raising a godly family together. God bless you! - Heather

Heather Leigh_A beautiful ministry said...

Thanks so much for you encouragement Heather! & I totally agree with you! I was meant to be a young wife & mother. And so was Leon. God has used us both in a lot of ways and he will continue too! <3